Monday, March 26, 2012

Five Myths About Social Media

This brief article, written by Chris Wallace, discusses five important social media myths. For example, no business is too small! Social media sites are full of smaller communities and businesses should connect with the communities related to their business. Word will travel quickly if people (customers) are impressed by your business. It also discusses how people are researching and asking opinions about products more through social media sites than ever before, and what they read affects their buying decisions.

Read the entire article here:
Five Myths About Social Media

Have any of you found success in social media? Have any of you found great difficulties? Share your stories, anecdotes, or opinions in the comment section!

And don't forget, "be smart in the way you engage."

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Oil Holding and Distribution Tank from Oil Skimmers, Inc. Helps Steel Manufacturer Solve Waste Oil Problem.

Ohio-based steel company meets local wastewater regulations with the help of a tube-type oil skimmer from Oil Skimmers, Inc.

A large steel manufacturer based in Ohio is now able to meet wastewater regulations with the help of two Model 6V Oil Holding and Distribution Tank Skimmer Systems from Oil Skimmers, Inc. The outdoor wastewater lagoons at the steel plant contained oil from the manufacturing process, storm water run-off, and various types of debris such as leaves and grass. The oil in the lagoon precluded discharging the water into a nearby river, and the debris in the lagoon hindered other oil removal methods that the manufacturer had tried previously. Enter Oil Skimmers, Inc’s Model 6V Oil Holding and Distribution Tank (OHDT) Skimming System.
Oil Skimmers, Inc. modified their standard Model 6V OHDT Units so that the debris could be easily channeled into a separate container, and any small amount of water that is picked up with the oil could be returned back to the lagoon. Since they are kept outdoors, both oil skimming systems were completely winterized, and a pump was installed to pump oil to a larger holding tank when necessary. 
The standard Model 6V OHDT Skimming System includes a mounting system, a decanting tank, and an oil holding tank. The entire system is in one skid mounted package and arrives ready to operate – no assembly is necessary. The engineering team at Oil Skimmers, Inc. can customize the system to meet the needs of a particular application.
 Oil Skimmers, Inc., engineers and manufactures the original Brilltm tube oil skimmers. The oil recovery systems can be customized and sized to any specification. Durable construction and a rugged design ensure trouble free operation 24/7 in a wide variety of industries and applications worldwide, including steel, mining, power & energy, and food production. These oil removal systems can remove waste oil continuously. The waste oil can then be sold or recycled. Request more information here.

Read the press release at i-newswire: Oil Holding and Distribution Tank from Oil Skimmers, Inc. Helps Steel Manufacturer Solve Waste Oil Problem.

Inbound Marketing: Social Media and the Burgeoning Niche Market

Chris Metinko of Business Wire San Francisco wrote an interesting blog entry suggesting that social media is growing in popularity, but may be shrinking in scope. With the growth in number and use of niche market social media sites like Reddit and Pinterest, it seems that we are moving away from broader, all-inclusive sites such as Facebook and Google+, according to Metinko. Either way, social media is certainly not going anywhere and is a marketing medium all companies should learn to utilize.

Read Chris Metinko's blog post:
Is the Next Big Thing a lot of Smaller Things?