Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Oil Skimmers, Inc. is Starting a Blog? Read on!

We’re starting a blog! We want to communicate with our customers and vendors, and potential customers and vendors, in all the best ways. A blog will allow us to easily release new product information, discuss important topics not only within Oil Skimmers, but within the oil skimming industry, and provide how-to’s in a quick and efficient manner that allows readers to look through the information at their leisure. Oil Skimmers, Inc. has been in operation for over 40 years, and we continue to find new and improved ways to help our customers and meet their oil skimming needs, we hope this will be another way to accomplish those tasks.

Now, for those of you reading this blog who may not be entirely familiar with Oil Skimmers, Inc. let me give a bit of background information. We manufacture automatic oil skimming equipment designed to recover all types of waste oils, greases, and fats from the surface of water. Our skimmers utilize a specially formulated tube that floats on the surface of water and other liquids and attracts the oil, leaving the water behind.

In many applications the recovered waste oil is recycled, providing a new revenue stream for the company and providing a more environmentally friendly solution to waste oil clean-up. Our tube-type oil skimmers require virtually no supervision or maintenance.

So, here begins our blog. We want you (the readers) to interact with us! Leave us comments and let us know what you think of our blog, our products, and the oil skimming industry. Let us know what you would like to see on our blog – specific topics of discussion, certain how-to instructions, more information about our company and our staff, or even pictures and videos.

Keep close watch for our next post.

The EPA and the Clean Water Act: Regulations for Waste Oil and Water

Since the government created the Federal Water Pollution Control Act in 1948, U.S. businesses have come to view environmental responsibility as a duty that goes beyond regulatory compliance. Today, companies that discharge wastewater into public systems also need to consider their brand and image, the increasing cost of waste management, and the potential consequences of stiff legal and punitive fees.
How can companies meet regulatory requirements for discharging wastewater while also protecting their reputations and profits? If your wastewater contains any type of oil or grease residue, a relatively low-cost investment in oil skimming systems from Oil Skimmers Inc. can deliver these benefits. Here’s how:
·         Brand and image. The Federal Water Pollution Control Act evolved into what we now call the Clean Water Act (CWA). The CWA sets wastewater standards and water-quality standards, and prevents anyone from discharging pollutants into waters unless they have obtained a permit. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regulates these permits through the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES). 
Not only does failure to comply with these regulations bring negative publicity, but going beyond basic compliance can help to build a reputation of environmental responsibility. Oil skimmers are extremely effective at removing residual oil and grease and can work 24/7 without operator input. The simple but sturdy design provides a reliable and trouble-free solution, and users report immediate improvement and compliance upon installation.
·         Waste-management costs. The central objective of the CWA is to “restore and maintain the physical, chemical, and biological integrity of the nation’s waters.” As we’ve learned more about the long-term damage industrial waste can cause if improperly released, regulatory groups at all levels of government have tightened restrictions. This better protects humans and the environment, but it also increases the cost of disposal.
Finding ways to reduce and control these costs is imperative for the more than 400,000 facilities required to have NPDES permits, including municipal wastewater systems, municipal and industrial storm water systems, industries and commercial facilities, and concentrated animal-feeding operations. Using an oil skimmer before further treating wastewater can decrease the amount of chemicals required, extend the life of machinery and filters, reduce ongoing labor costs associated with repair and maintenance, reduce waste-removal costs, and actually provide an additional revenue source via oil recyclers that sell used oil to secondary markets.
·         Legal and punitive costs: If a facility with wastewater discharge doesn’t meet the required effluent levels set-forth within the NPDES permit, section 309 of the CWA authorizes the EPA to bring “civil, judicial, and administrative actions” against violators. The EPA also seeks considerable monetary penalties that are meant to “promote environmental compliance and help protect public health by deterring future violations.”
Complying with NPDES regulations is a good environmental practice, and also a good business practice. Oil Skimmers, Inc. is confident that we can help companies comply with NPDES oil regulations using our oil skimmers.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Oil Skimmers, Inc. Attends WEFTEC 2010

Follow the link below to read the press release regarding the 2010  Water Environment Federation’s Technical Exhibition & Conference (WEFTEC) show. Sales manager Ken Gray is representing Oil Skimmers, Inc. at the show, being held in New Orleans, Louisiana.

Press Release